I am a big fan of the Yodlee MoneyCenter program. I use it to view what I have and what I owe and quickly update my net worth report. The program does have an option to email you with a reminder of bill due dates. I do not use this feature as I have a small calendar that I use to track my bill due dates. It's a great feature to use but I have noticed that on one of my credit cards, it always has the incorrect due date. This could cause you to pay a credit card or other bill late and trigger late fees, higher interest rates, lower credit scores, etc....
I am not advising you not to use Yodlee MoneyCenter but if you do, I would advise you to be sure the due date it gives you is correct.


  1. Jordan // August 5, 2007 at 4:46 PM  

    If you're having a problem just click one of the "Submit Service Request" links inside the application and explain the issue.
    There may be the problem that the actual due date can't be gathered through our framework so Yodlee is estimating the due date. This should be labeled as "estimated."

    ..Jordan, Yodlee, Inc.

  2. SingleGuyMoney // August 5, 2007 at 8:32 PM  

    Thanks for your help Jordan.