I realize there are quite a few new readers to the blog since it started back in July 2007 so I figured it was time to update the "About Me" page on my blog.
Who is SingleGuyMoney?
I am a single 32 (soon to be 33) year old male living in Atlanta, GA. I graduated from college in December of 1999 with a crap load of debt ranging from student loans, personal loans, auto loans and credit card debt. At one point, I was over $80,000 in debt.
I happened to stumble upon a few personal finance blogs and I was motivated to start my own blog. Since, I've been blogging, I've managed to pay off over $40,000 in credit card debt. I paid of my car loan of $22,000 and now I'm working on paying off my student loan and the mortgages on my primary home and rental property.
My current goal is to build a nice fat savings cushion of $50,000 in cash. I want to be able to self finance things that I would usually have to go to the bank and apply for a loan (crossing my finger that they approve me). For example, if I wanted to purchase a vehicle that cost $20,000. I would simply find the car I want, go to the dealership, workout the numbers and write them a check. The car is paid for and I have not added any new debt to ruin my finances.
My long term plan is to get rid of all debt (including the mortgages) and live on a cash only basis.
I've been interviewed by several media sources such as:
Honorable Mentions:
100 Best Personal Finance Blogs for Recent College Grads
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