I am a 32 year old single college graduate. I'm happily single and plan to stay that way for the forseeable future...unless someone knocks me off my feet.
Since I've been blogging, I've managed to pay off over $40,000 in debt - including my car loan and credit cards.
I write from the perspective of a single guy but most of the posts can apply to the finances of individuals and/or couples.
Subscribe to SingleGuyMoney and follow along on my journey of debt reduction and increasing assets.
Thanks for reading my blog and I welcome your comments.
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I've been interviewed by several media sources such as:
Interview with SingleGuyMoney by My Two Dollars
Congrats on paying off so much debt. We are quite a like you and me. I've decided to start my own blog too.
Good stuff man. Congrats on getting all that recognition. Very inspirational for my own endeavors.