- Rental Property - $137000
- Primary Residence - $193000
- Car - $29500
- Retirement - $39089.85
- Cash (checking, sav) - $39208.10
- Brokerage - $3777.67
Total Assets: $449075.62
- Rental Property Mortgage - $151382.82
- Primary Home 1st Mortgage - $149448.06
- Primary Home 2nd Mortgage - $34925.00 (ttl owed on primary home $184373.06)
- Car Loan - $27101.95
- Student Loan - $22223.81
- Credit Cards - $12335.79
Total Liabilities: $397417.63
Net Worth: $51658.19 Increase from May: + 3.10% YTD Increase: +60.77%
Year to date, this has been the worse month as far as Net Worth increases. I'm not exactly sure what caused this month to be so low. From January - May, my net worth had been increasing about 8-9% on average. I actually spent about $300 less than the budget for the month. I do not see any major expenses coming up this month so July should be a pretty profitable month.
My credit card debt is broken down as follows: $8160.23 @ 2.99% for life, $3975.00 @ 0% and $163.56 in charges from June that will be paid in full in July.
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