I almost had a small heart attack today. One of my co-workers was doing a little online shopping today. I asked her what she was getting and she said a pair of boots. I thought no big deal; boots aren't that expensive. She had to step away from her desk for a minute and asked me to listen for her phone as she was expecting a call. I was sitting at her desk and she had not closed the webpage she was shopping on. I can't help that I am a little nosey so I happened to check out what she bought. Are you ready for this........she bought a pair of Moschino "Cheap & Chic" boots for $695!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I said that right, Six hundred ninety five dollars!!! This is the same person who only eats once a day because she can't afford it. No wonder... She has been with the company a little longer than I have but I know she doesn't make that much more than me.

I almost said something but figured it wasn't my place. Would you have said something? We are friends but not close friends by any means.


  1. phantomdata // August 17, 2007 at 10:08 PM  

    Wow, that's incredible. Sweet looking boots though. :)

  2. Riggings // August 17, 2007 at 11:51 PM  

    Wow that's a little less than I earn in a week! I don't care if you make 2 to 3 times than I make a week that's insane!!! Hasn't she ever heard of knock-off's? And here I feel guilty if I buy a shirt at $30!

  3. Kevin Surbaugh // August 18, 2007 at 3:36 PM  

    what? I don't make that much (take home) in two weeks

  4. Anonymous // August 18, 2007 at 6:12 PM  

    If she spends almost $700 on a pair of boots and doesn't go in debt doing it, what's the problem? Yeah, she may only be able to have half a meal a day for a little while, but she wouldn't be in debt. And even if she is going into debt to buy these boots, then so be it. You said she's not a friend of yours, so it's not like you could help her. As far as saying something. Nah. She's probably not looking to you for advice.

    If you are concerned about her financial well-being, I guess the only thing you can do is lead by example.

  5. SingleGuyMoney // August 18, 2007 at 7:43 PM  

    Velvet - Good point, however, she did use debt to pay for them. She is always complaining about not having any savings.

  6. Dimples // August 20, 2007 at 7:12 AM  

    Wow. That's my rent plus phone bill. And them boots are NOT cute.

    Naw don't say anything. I'll let you know right now, ain't nothing more gonna piss a woman of like some guy telling her how to spend her money. Especially when he is absolutely correct in the matter. I mean come on....home girl eats once a day yet buys $700 boots. Before long her legs will be to darn skinny to fit the boots

    *sigh* Some folks.

  7. SingleGuyMoney // August 20, 2007 at 8:19 PM  

    Dimples: I am still laughing at that comment. That pretty much sums it up though.

  8. SavingDiva // August 21, 2007 at 2:12 PM  

    I wouldn't have said anything either. It isn't your place. If she is choosing fashion over food, it is her choice.

    I agree with dimples. The boots aren't cute at all! Plus....$700?! Seriously! I have been known to splurge, but that is out of the question.

  9. SavingDiva // August 21, 2007 at 2:12 PM  

    I wouldn't have said anything either. It isn't your place. If she is choosing fashion over food, it is her choice.

    I agree with dimples. The boots aren't cute at all! Plus....$700?! Seriously! I have been known to splurge, but that is out of the question.