It's Monday and I am getting ready to head out of town on a business trip for a week. I will have my laptop and the hotel is supposed to have internet access so I will be able to continue posting.
My fellow M-Network member, My Two Dollars, hosted the 125th Carnival of Personal Finance. There are a number of great articles so be sure to check it out. Here are a some of my favorites:
- Your Relationship with Money from Journey From Financial Freedom.
- Consolidating Our Finances from 2Million. Even though I am single, I can imagine the complications in consolidating finances.
- Old Habits Sure Do Die Hard from Gather Little by Little (M-Netwok member). I can definitely relate.
- It hit me like a ton of bricks from (M-Network member). This is so true. This is the feeling I had when I realized how bad my financial situation was.
- I submitted my post on My Cheaper Alternative to Starbucks. A friend told me about McDonald's iced coffee and I really liked it.
I've also changed the design of SingleGuyMoney. What do you think?
If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to SingleGuyMoney here.
The new layout looks good, very striking.
Thanks debtdieter!