I couldn't wait to post this weeks saving money post. I made a few smart moves this week that saved me a little more extra money.
This week, I saved money by:
Mypoints Redemption. I redeemed a chunk of the points I'd saved up to get a couple of gift cards for a few things I needed to purchase. I'd wanted to replace my dining room light fixture since I purchased my home but I did not want to shell out the money for the new fixture. I redeemed enough points to get a gift card to Home Depot. I was able to get my new light fixture for free! Not only was the light fixture free, I was able to get it installed for free. Using my new bartering skills, I did my uncle's taxes for him in exchange for him installing the light fixture. By using the gift cards and free install, I estimate that I saved about $150. If you are not a MyPoints member already, you should really consider signing up. It's really quick and easy to earn free stuff that you can actually use. Want to know more about how Mypoints works? Click here.
Cash Back Credit Card. My homeowners insurance was due this month. Instead of writing a check directly to the insurance company, I paid with my cash back credit card that is currently paying 5% for the first three months. I will then payoff the credit card balance in full. By using this method, I was able to earn a couple of extra pennies in interest and a cash back bonus of $25.
Earn 5% on your gasoline and auto maintenance purchases and 1% on all your other purchases with the Discover Open Road credit card. Please apply for this card ONLY if you will use it responsibly and pay off your balance monthly.
By thinking ahead and being creative, I was able to save over $175. Doing this all the time can and will add up to considerable savings. What small things can you do to add up to big savings in your financial picture?
Did you save money this week? How did you do it?
Reminder: If you haven't done so already, please subscribe to SingleGuyMoney.
Image Credit: Kevin
Don't you count the amount of time you spent gaining points on mypoints as part of the cost of the gift card?
You probably spent more time clicking on links and taking surveys than you would have to earn the money as an hourly wage. That you earned the money as an alternative to your more traditional job is pretty cool, but it's a bit disingenuous to claim that you got the fixture for free.
@deamiter: You have a good point. However, I am online so much anyway, I might as well make good use of the time I spend online.