If you've been following all the talk about the economic stimulus package, you probably know that President Bush signed into law a multi-billion dollar stimulus package on February 13th. If you have not calculated how much stimulus you can expect, Kiplingers has a quick and easy calculator on their website. Click here to use the calculator to find out how much you can expect to receive. Please come back and share the estimated amount of your rebate and how you plan to use it.

There are a number of personal finance blogs I read on a daily basis and here are some of the articles I have enjoyed:

From the M-Network:
You Tell Me: What's Your Weakness? @ beingfrugal.net
401k or IRA? @ Cash Money Life
What do I do when my 401k is losing money? @ Gather Little by Little
When the Left Hand and the Right Hand Can't Even Find Each Other @ Paid Twice
Stupid Tax: Car Inspection, Commute and Margin Interest @ Moolanomy
You Are Not Your Stuff, Your Stuff is Not You @ My Two Dollars
Financial Concepts: Yank Speak to Queen's English @ plonkee money
How to Stop a Debt Collector from Calling or Contacting You @ The Dough Roller

From my blogroll:
Smart Money Magazine Giveaway @ ChristianPF
When I say I'm Broke, I'M BROKE @ Debtfree4ever
Debt vs. Savings @ Dimples' Divine Domain
How my life will change when I am out of debt @ Frugal Bachelor
Top Reasons to get a Business Credit Card @ HustlerMoneyBlog
Frugality: Increasing your quality of life for less @ MrsMicah
Tips and Tricks for Financial Organization @ My Dollar Plan
What one area of your personal finance management would you like to improve? @ No Credit Needed
Interest Income from Billpay @ Rocket Finance
10 Ways to Save Money and Live Green @ The Frugal Dutchess

Be sure to read all these great articles and don't forget to subscribe to SingleGuyMoney.


  1. Anonymous // February 17, 2008 at 10:38 AM  

    We'll be getting $1800. I'm thinking I'll start another emergency fund, after my current one is depleted when I pay my taxes in April. :)

    Thanks for the mention!

  2. Daizy // February 17, 2008 at 1:06 PM  

    $600. I'll be putting it towards my mortgage, although I really want to buy a laptop!

  3. Anonymous // February 17, 2008 at 1:29 PM  

    About $80...excuse me for not getting excited. It'll go into saving just like my coupon savings and my rolled change.

  4. Patrick // February 17, 2008 at 2:47 PM  

    Our rebate will be going into savings or investments, I think. Thanks for the mention!