I got back from my unplanned business trip last night. Since the trip came up so suddenly, I was not able to plan out my weekend posts. I guess that is a prime example of why you should not procrastinate on doing things you need to do.
This post will be a bit random so do your best to follow along. I apologize in advance!
This past week, I was interviewed by My Two Dollars. Be sure to head over and check it out.
Some of the posts I liked this week include:
Lynnae over at BeingFrugal did an excellent wrapup of the M-Network Series on Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps. This is a great list of personal finance posts that everyone should check out.
Paid Twice posts about her dumbest purchase ever. What's yours?
Mrs Micah premieres The Finwikian. This is a great list of personal finance blog resources and personal finance information.
Saving Money:
Since I was out of town on business, I was able to pay for my breakfast, lunch and dinner with my corporate credit card. This resulted in me spending $0 for food on Thursday and Friday. It may only be a savings of $20-30 but every little bit helps.
I signed up for Upromise this week. Check out this post and considering signing up yourself.
I paid for my homeowners insurance policy with my Citi Cash Returns card. I am in the last month of my 5% bonus period so I wanted to be sure I earned the bonus before my 3 month bonus period expired.
- Be sure you've set your clock ahead one hour so you won't be late to work on Monday.
- Please subscribe to SingleGuyMoney, if you haven't done so already.
"Spring Forward Sunday" is my nemesis.
But thanks for mentioning the Finwikian. :) The Finwikian is not my nemesis. Most days. ;)
Welcome back, SGM!