Subscriber Swap Saturday (SSS) is a new experiment started by Kevin of No Debt Plan. Here's how it works; each week, readers will subscribe to an SSS blog for a week (and hopefully longer) to get a feel of the content and style of the new blog. I'm delighted to be one of the first blogs to participate in this experiment and I think it will help discover some new and exciting personal finance blogs. First up is No Debt Plan (Subscribe via RSS).
No Debt Plan is about getting and staying out of debt with a plan. Kevin, the author, is passionate about budgeting, saving for the future, and using goals to reach financial freedom.
Now, let's learn more about No Debt Plan:
SGM: What made you decide to start a personal finance blog?
NDP: I found I was giving a lot of the same advice to friends and on various personal finance message boards. I saw the success of bloggers like Get Rich Slowly and The Simple Dollar. At the same time it seemed I was constantly hearing the "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" mantra. I love personal finance. I love helping people. So I decided to start a blog in the hopes that some day I'll "make it big" like the other guys.
SGM: How many personal finance blogs do you follow?
NDP: Ooo, tough question. If you're talking straight up following in my RSS I read 26 personal finance blogs. There are a few I read daily (GRS and TSD from above as well as Consumerism Commentary) and others that I like to keep tabs on fairly regularly.
SGM: How much time per week do you spend on your blog? (writing posts, reading and answering comments, general blog maintenance)
NDP: Very good question! It might be pretty eye opening if I sat down and calculated all of the time I spend on it. I would estimate easily 2 hours per day each week including the weekends. That is for writing posts and editing. I don't tweak the blog very often, but when I do, or change themes, that can be pretty time consuming as well.
SGM: What are your long term goals for No Debt Plan?
NDP: I want to finish writing up my No Debt Plan ( <>), and continue to add upon it. I'd love to blog full time. At the end of the day I want to use the blog to help people improve their financial lives. If I can do that, I'll be happy. But a full time paycheck to go with it would be nice, too.
NDP: I found I was giving a lot of the same advice to friends and on various personal finance message boards. I saw the success of bloggers like Get Rich Slowly and The Simple Dollar. At the same time it seemed I was constantly hearing the "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" mantra. I love personal finance. I love helping people. So I decided to start a blog in the hopes that some day I'll "make it big" like the other guys.
SGM: How many personal finance blogs do you follow?
NDP: Ooo, tough question. If you're talking straight up following in my RSS I read 26 personal finance blogs. There are a few I read daily (GRS and TSD from above as well as Consumerism Commentary) and others that I like to keep tabs on fairly regularly.
SGM: How much time per week do you spend on your blog? (writing posts, reading and answering comments, general blog maintenance)
NDP: Very good question! It might be pretty eye opening if I sat down and calculated all of the time I spend on it. I would estimate easily 2 hours per day each week including the weekends. That is for writing posts and editing. I don't tweak the blog very often, but when I do, or change themes, that can be pretty time consuming as well.
SGM: What are your long term goals for No Debt Plan?
NDP: I want to finish writing up my No Debt Plan ( <>), and continue to add upon it. I'd love to blog full time. At the end of the day I want to use the blog to help people improve their financial lives. If I can do that, I'll be happy. But a full time paycheck to go with it would be nice, too.
So there you have it. Be sure to visit No Debt Plan and subscribe to his feed. I'm sure you will stay subscribed for longer than a week.
Hats off to Kevin and the idea of the SSS. I think most of us are interested in finding more great places to share in our financial journeys.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.