The writers of most of the blogs I read are married. There are not that many blogs out there (that I know of) written by non-married people. I wanted to give a shout out to the other blogs I read that are written by a single guy/girl.
In no particular order:
Frugal Bachelor - A single guy in his early thirties from Texas.
Dimples' Divine Domain - A single mom in Florida.
Single Ma's Fabulous Financials - A single mom in VA. I should also mention that Single Ma is debt free!
Boston Gal's Open Wallet - A single 30 something living in Boston. BG is also debt free!
Beachgirl's Budget Blog - A mid 20's professional living in the DC Metro Area.
My Open Wallet - A single 30 something female living in New York.
Are you a single, blog about finances and I don't have your blog listed? Let me know so I can check it out.
Are you a single, blog about finances and I don't have your blog listed? Let me know so I can check it out.
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Single female, early 40's, debt free in Texas. New blog - just started a couple of months ago.
Hey, hey now! Thanks for the love, Single Guy! I get lost in the forest of married bloggers too.
BTW, I'm in NoVA, DC metro area. And I think Flexo, mapgirl, and Debt Hater are single too.
From one single PF blogger to another: hello! Best of luck in '08. Feel free to check out/list my blog any time...
You are on a roll. I should follow suite. Thanks again!
I am single!
You forgot to add How I Save Money to your list. Single (broke) girl writing a blog. :-)
I'm single, female, mid-20's, blogging from Texas (wow, that really felt like I was writing one of those personal ads!)
Single personal finance blogger right here! Late 20's.
I'm a single girl blogging about debt... can I join the list?
*Amanda: You are welcome to join the list. You may want to post a link to your blog.
hey singleGuy -
I am single, never married, also. 39 years old, am working my way to being debt free. My blog has been in existence since March 2006.
Better late than never? Here I am:
I'm single too! 35, in Arizona, debt free, now attacking the mortgage. I'm happy to see other singles out there.
Single female, early 20s, college student. Blog about employment, college, scholarships, loans, credit, debt, making money, and saving money.