I'd like to thank everyone who sent traffic my way in the month of August. If you've referred traffic to me, linked to an article or sent traffic to me in any way, I thank you and it is sincerely appreciated. I'm not able to mention everyone here but even if your site isn't mentioned, I still thank you.

The top 10 blogs that sent the most traffic to SingleGuyMoney in August are:
1. Fabulous Financials - #1 for two months in a row!!
2. Paid Twice
3. Being Frugal
4. Moolanomy
5. NCN Blog
6. Mrs Micah
7. Gather Little by Little
8. Frugal Bachelor
9. Frugal Dad
10. My Dollar Plan

Total Site Visitors in August:

RSS Subscribers as of August 31, 2008: 727, up 5.8% from 687 at the end of July. If you haven't subscribed to SingleGuyMoney yet, you can do so here.

Top 5 Most Popular Articles for August:

Most Reliable Used Cars
Increasing Credit Scores
Instant Credit - No Thanks
4. If I'd Know Then What I know Now
Personal Finance - Back to Basics (Part 3)

Thanks again to everyone who refers traffic, visits and comments on SingleGuyMoney. Please visit often and tell all of your friends.



  1. Anonymous // September 3, 2008 at 9:59 AM  

    You're welcome and thank you for being a part of the M-network!

  2. Anonymous // September 3, 2008 at 7:34 PM  

    Yay for traffic!! Now where's my prize? LOL