It's a brand new year and most people resolve to make big changes in life. Whether it be to lose weight, stop smoking or save money, each year we promise we are going to do it this year.
I made the decision a few years ago that I wasn't going to make a New Years resolution. I usually ended up making the same resolutions year after year. How many times did I resolve to quit smoking or lose weight? By March or April, I I had forgotten all about what I resolved to do.
What are the top 6 most common New Year's resolutions?
- Lose Weight
- Stop Smoking
- Spend More Time With Family and Friends
- Enjoy Life More
- Financial - Get Out of Debt and/or Save More Money
- Subscribe to SingleGuyMoney (If this one was not on your list, it's really easy to do!)
Did you make a New Year's resolution? What was it?
I'm anti-resolution myself, but I came up with some financial goals for the year:
* Pay $7,000 towards debt
* Snowflake $1,200
* Save up an emergency fund (at least $1,000)
I'm a fine-art photographer as well, so I have some art goals to help me snowflake:
* Schedule at least 4 art shows this year
* Grow my mailing list
* Print enough work to have a studio sale by next November!
Best of luck to everyone in meeting their goals, financial or otherwise!
Yes I did make my own "resolution" or to-do list for 2009 as I prefer to call it. It did include the save money part. :) I've posted it in my blog also. :)
Happy new year!
Mine is to pay 20k towards my private student loan, hopefully get the principle down in the low 60's! Happy new year to u!
I've been reading it's a lot better to have goals instead of make resolutions. I want to finish my novel and start submitting it to agents.