I'd like to thank everyone who sent traffic my way in April. If you've sent traffic to me but your blog is not listed, please know that I greatly appreciate it.

The top 10 blogs that sent traffic to SingleGuyMoney are:

1. BeingFrugal
2. Get Rich Slowly
3. PaidTwice
4. Fabulous Financials
5. Mrs Micah
6. Frugal Bachelor
7. Moolanomy
8. Gather Little by Little
9. NCN Blog
10. My Two Dollars

Total Visitors to SingleGuyMoney in April: 14,157

RSS Subscribers as of April 30th: 558. If you haven't subscribed yet, please do so here.

Top 5 Most Popular Articles in April:

Thanks to all of you for visiting and referring traffic to SingleGuyMoney. Please visit often!!!!

Don't forget about Mom! Mothers Day is Sunday May 11th!!
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  1. Anonymous // May 4, 2008 at 4:04 PM  

    Thanks for listing your top referrers - lots of great blogs in the list! My husband recently started a debt free / frugal / financial blog. Feel free to check it out at http://engineeradebtfreelife.blogspot.com/

    Best wishes with your blog!

  2. Anonymous // September 19, 2008 at 10:02 PM  

    Do you want exchange link with me ?
    My site: www.haidd.com
    If you add my link to blogroll, I'll do same