I've set aside a couple of hours today to work on my 2008 taxes. I used Taxcut last year and will be using it again this year to complete my federal and state taxes. I will save a lot of time by importing last years data and I'll only need to update the correct numbers. Before I get started, I'd thought I'd highlight a few articles I've enjoyed from other financial bloggers.


I participated in the Carnival of Debt Reduction hosted by No Debt Plan. My article, I Got A New Car Yesterday, was included in the roundup.

I also participated in the Festival of Frugality hosted by MoneyNing. My article, Ready to Quit Smoking and Save Money, was included and made Editors Pick.

Other articles I enjoyed are:
Prime Time Money paid off the car loan!!! Congratulations PT.
Gather Little by Little
presents Sorta Frugal.
Wide Open Wallet
presents Finding Frugality.
Five Cent Nickel is having a TurboTax and Quicken Giveaway.

I was very excited to learn I made it into the "Top 50 Debt Blogs To Watch In 2009". This is also a great place to find new blogs you may not have seen before. Out of the hundreds of financial blogs out there, making it into the top 50 is certainly an honor.

Don't forget to enter the
$100 Target Giftcard giveaway!!!
The contest ends next week.


  1. Anonymous // January 25, 2009 at 3:15 PM  

    Congrats on the honor! I'm going to check out the list of debt blogs and see if there's anyone I'm not already familiar with. Thanks for the resource!

  2. Anonymous // January 26, 2009 at 6:37 PM  

    That top 50 post was how I found your blog - I'm glad I did. Thanks!